
This blog exists to provide encouragement and help for pastors' wives.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Transitions by Pam Holman

As my first time with you, I’d like to tell you a little about myself and about some transitions in my life – transitions that we all have and how we respond to them.

I married the love of my life, Randy, at the age of 18 while he was 20. We grew up in the same little country church and met when I was in 6th grade and he was in the 8th grade.  I’m still head of heels for him!  J   I worked while he finished college and we had our first child 3 years later, followed by 2 others.  More about being a mom and Gigi (grandmother), later!  I’ve been a stay at home mom, had my own business with Discovery Toys (LOVED this job!!), worked in a doctor’s office part-time, worked many years as assistant to the principal in the school district so I could have the same schedule as my kids, and finally after the kids left home, became the Preteen/Children’s Minister (part-time) at church.  When I am passionate about something, I put my whole being into it, so Randy said I went from a 40 hour full-time work week at school, to a 65 hour part-time and half the pay work week at church!  J   But God had given me a vision and passion to revamp our whole ministry to reach more children and truly make a difference in their lives.  But that is another story!  My life has been full of transitions and I have no doubt yours has been, too!

I have been a staff wife for 42 years and have experienced the good, the bad, and the ugly! I’ve thrown suitcases in the middle of the floor (mentally!) and told God to get us out of here!!  J That didn’t work, by the way!  I learned the hard way how prayer gossip works – Randy shared something with me and I shared it with a friend asking for prayer.  Next thing I knew, he heard about it from someone and knew the only person he shared his concern with was me.  Uh-Oh!!  Prayer gossip is rampant, I’ve learned.

Two years ago, God revealed that after 15 years, I had completed the vision He had given me and it was time for another transition.  He brought the person who would take this ministry to the next level and I trained her for a year before officially “retiring” last May.  The church gave Randy, my husband, sabbatical time and we used it to travel last summer and fall to some places on our bucket list.  We have a little hybrid travel trailer and after spending 5 solid weeks in it, we decided we still love each other and enjoy being together!  It was a precious time and we had so much fun!!

Another transition.  Upon returning from our time away, I visited an adult Sunday School class.  That very day, I knew sitting in a class was not for me!  Besides, it was WAY too different from the way we do Sunday School in the Children’s Ministry!  J  So I began greeting at the entrance to our Children’s building and hugging on parents, kids and substituting in the baby classes after the greeting time.   It was OK, but still didn’t seem what God had for me – so I continued to wait for His direction – that is always the hard part!!  One day the Preschool Coordinator asked if I would consider teaching a Young Adult Ladies Class for women who just haven’t connected with Sunday School. (They don’t feel comfortable in a couple’s class because their husband’s don’t attend, they are single again, they are an older single, etc…)  It was to be a class located in a room off the Preschool hallway, so it would be close to those who had young children – they would be near them.  And since we wanted to reach women in our community, who might never have attended Sunday School, we wanted a class location that would not be intimidating.  I prayed about it and tentatively said I would try, but that I was NOT a teacher!!  I’m a leader, encourager, hugger, organizer, and relational, but we would need to find a Bible Study approach with a DVD teacherJ  We made up a class roll of women we knew who weren’t attending, I contacted all of them, created a fun environment in the room and we began.  The first Sunday we had 6, the next Sunday we had 12, and the 3rd Sunday we had 18.  After 6 weeks, we have 21 on the class roll.  What really surprised us was that we had women from early 20’s to their 70’s!!  God took our willingness to try something unique and different, and has blessed our socks off!!  We are taking every single person’s gift in our class and using it to minister to others.  We have a class photographer, a breakfast club team, mission organizers, encouragement teams, social media team, Ladies Night Out team, and whatever else we need to make sure all of us are connected! 

Life is full of transitions and as I get to know you more, maybe the transitions we all go through will be made easier because of our friendships and sharing of our experiences! God has a plan for us and I can hardly wait for the journey with you!!

Pam Holman
Staff Wife – 42 years
Currently at FBC Lubbock – 34 years
Worked with Preteen / Children’s Ministry – 15 years
Currently teaching a ladies intergenerational Sunday School Bible Study class
Words that describe me: energetic, creative, positive, passionate, fun-loving, encouraging, compassionate

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