
This blog exists to provide encouragement and help for pastors' wives.

Monday, November 24, 2014

Prayer of Thanks from a Pastor's Wife by Becky Dietz

Thank you for a husband who loves and serves you.  Thank you for entrusting the Bride of Christ into our care.  We're so grateful for how much you love us, care for us, minister to us, and meet our needs.  Thank you for going before us, coming behind us and keeping your hand of blessing on us.  We are blessed beyond anything we could ever deserve.  Thank you, too, for the hard things...things which have matured us, developed patience in us and given us wisdom.  Thank you for not leaving us alone.  We need you and the power of your Holy Spirit more than ever.  And God...those days and nights when we may feel alone, thank you that you've promised to never leave us nor forsake us.  You're right there beside us.  Thank you for that.
Father, for every pastor's wife reading this, I pray you will do more than we can all ask or imagine in our lives and in our ministry.  Please bless our marriages--grow them and make them more intimate than we thought possible.  Bless our children and grandchildren.  Pour into their lives and guide them into Truth.  Keep their hearts and minds in Christ Jesus.
Prepare us, the Bride of Christ, for Jesus.  Purify us. Anoint us.  Bless us.  Make us ready for His soon return!
God, please bless this holiday season.  Flavor it with grace, humor, hope, passion, rest, and peace.  Sprinkle it with FUN!  And coat it all with love.  May we love passionately, unconditionally and just like Jesus loves.
Thank you for this place in life.  Thank you that you know the way.  Please level the mountains in front of us, in Jesus' name.  We trust you, God.  We love you.  Let us hear you sing over us.  Thank you...for you.
In Jesus' name,

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