
This blog exists to provide encouragement and help for pastors' wives.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

First Lady

There's a new attitude which concerns me among pastors and their wives.  It's the attitude of "celebrity status."  I've seen it up-close and personal.  I watched as a pastor and his wife assumed celebrity status in their church in a small town.  It happens when a pastor and his wife demand to be served...rather than serving others themselves. 

I know in some circles a pastor's wife is called the First Lady.  I'm sure it started off as a term to honor that pastor's wife, but it just goes against the grain of what I believe the Bible teaches.  As pastor's wives, we are not First Ladies to be honored and given an elevated position.  We are the ones who come alongside the Church and get our hands dirty as we serve others.  It's stepping in and doing the crafts for VBS.  It's washing dishes at a funeral meal.  It's teaching, singing, helping!  It's just hard imagining a "First Lady" doing any of these things.

I think it's up to us as staff wives to set the tone for what God has called us all to do.  Please, please be careful of assuming the attitude of a First Lady and the entitlements which come along with that name.  Come alongside the members of your church and help.  Put on your work clothes and paint a wall with them.  Change a diaper.  Decorate a bulletin board.  Serve God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength.  Be the example for serving.

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