
This blog exists to provide encouragement and help for pastors' wives.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

What does 41 years look like?

Andy & I are celebrating 41 years of marriage today--he in Groom; me in Dallas. What does 41 years look like?  Here's the good and not-so-good of it...
  • 6 years of traveling/singing ministry--all over the U.S.  If you need a relationship to be tested by fire, this is a good way!
  • Serving on the staff of 4 churches. We've had beautiful experiences in each of these churches and have come away with life-time and life-giving relationships. We also went to hell and back in a few. (I'm also just as sure some people couldn't wait for us to leave.)
  • Having and raising 4 amazing kids. They endured our inexperience, legalism, and strict disciplinarianism. But they became great in spite of us!!
  • Having 11 ADORABLE grandchildren. They're perfect, fun, and a beautiful reward we don't deserve. 
  • Andy has survived my control and I've survived his driving.  And we've both survived the two co-existing. 😬
  • Doing 41 years of ministry together has been amazing!!!  We've traveled all over the world and have seen people come to Christ. We've also expanded our family in the process.  I can't think of a better life!
  • We've both made sacrifices to see the other succeed. I missed a lot of youth ministry while I was with our own kids. Andy has watched our kids while I spent time with my parents or went on mission trips of my own. He's the one who encouraged me to step into my own ministry--and keeps encouraging me. 
  • We've fought along the way--a lot. You don't bring two strong-willed people to mingle their lives without that happening. But we've also laughed our heads off. I enjoy being with Andy. I like doing crazy stuff and laughing hysterically the most.  And it can be the little things that set us off!
  • We have AMAZING friendships--the kind I wish for my own kids--for everyone!  We have friends who would give us the world or come to us at 3 AM in our need--and have. We'd do the same for them. 
It's so good to sit and reflect on a 41-year marriage. In the day-to-day, we can let the little things irritate us and become our focus.  But we need to keep our focus on what God sees--two lives which became one to reflect the relationship of Christ and the Church (whom Jesus loves to death)!  I can only hope we've done that. But it's also been amazing to ponder our growth, our change. We're not those starry-eyed newlyweds.  Our love has been tested with fire from without and within. We've grown, developed strengths, fallen apart, examined ourselves, questioned ourselves, and survived.  No...thrived!  Would I go back 41 years if I could?  Heck NO!!  I love where we are--understanding and encouraging one another more than ever and enjoying each moment together. I'm grateful. 

I love you more than ever, Andy Dietz!  


  1. Love this "reflection," Becky. Through your writing I sense your love, your struggles, and your passion for Andy and for your life. Great writing. Thanks for sharing!

  2. You and Andy are amazing and Randy and I love and totally understand where you have been and how God will never stop "expanding our territories" until we see Him! Thank goodness He will never be finished with us and we will still experience life brand new each day! Congratulations and love y'all to pieces!! 😄❤️
