We've all experienced difficult things in the ministry--all the way from feeling lonely to being attacked in a vicious way. There's no doubt Christian leaders are in the crosshairs of the enemy. Satan wants us to fail. If he can take out pastors and their wives, he'll also succeed in taking out lots of the Church. Satan's goal is to destroy the testimony of the Church. If we are weak, lifeless, disunified, or fighting one another, he has a better chance of keeping unbelievers from coming to Christ and new or weaker believers from growing. We are definitely in the crosshairs of the enemy...maybe more than any other profession.
God gave us some advice in I Peter 5. First of all, he told pastors that they are to shepherd, guide, and protect the flock of God. We are to do it in humility, truth, and love. He knew we were going to carry worries and cares in this position so He prepared us ahead of time by telling us to cast them on Him. He can handle them all. Imagine! The cares of every single pastor can be carried by God!
And here's where it gets good. We're to be sober, alert, and cautious (well-balanced and self-disciplined). We are to be clear-headed and serious...watchful and wary...vigilant and calculating. Why? Because we have an enemy, the devil, and he's prowling around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. Unfortunately, he's already devoured many pastors and wives. But this is POWERFUL: WE ARE THE ONES WHO SHOULD HAVE SATAN IN THE CROSSHAIRS! We don't have to expect to be consumed by the enemy--we should be the ones who are well-armed with Satan in our sites! How? By resisting him, standing firm in our faith, using the sword of the Spirit, praying and listening to our Father, being fearless--which assures Satan of his impending doom, and laughing over our future.
We don't have to be victims. Jesus warned us we would be hated by the world...but He also asked the Father to protect us. He still intercedes for us! It's time we understood what is available to us. God has called us and God has placed us. He's given us authority and we are His ambassadors who are already seated in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Satan is positionally under our feet. God has equipped us for victory! Oh sisters...we need to get this. If we as leaders don't understand the victory that is ours, our people will probably never get it either. We don't have to walk in intimidation or cowering fear...not of Satan nor of his emissaries. God is greater. Let's be fearless and courageous because God is with us wherever we go. His Spirit will empower us, guide us, and even give us the answers we need to speak in those intense situations. We are meant to be overcomers in this world! Surround yourself with strong believers who will encourage you and guard your back. It's in our unity, as believers, that the world will know and understand that the Father sent the Son.
And that's really the focus. That's the reason we're to keep Satan in the crosshairs. We need to be aware of his every move, understanding that he wants to throw us into confusion so that we ultimately destroy ourselves and one another. We need to remember why he wants us out--we are a threat to him and his devious plan. We need to stay focused on the goal--to love God and love people. UNITY...so that the world may know of God's love.
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