Well according to Ephesians 1 & 2...
1. I am an ambassador of Christ Jesus. I am a saint – consecrated and set apart.
2. I am faithful, loyal and steadfast in Christ Jesus.
3. The grace (God’s unmerited favor) and spiritual peace (harmony, unity, undisturbedness) of God are mine from God my Father and Jesus Christ.
4. I am a daughter of God and therefore, a sister to Jesus Christ.
5. I am blessed in Christ with every spiritual blessing among the heavenly realm by Holy Spirit.
6. I am loved by God.
7. I am chosen: picked out by God as His own. Even before He laid out His plans for this world He had me in mind.
8. I am holy – set apart for Him.
9. I am blameless in His sight.
10. I am above reproach before Him in love.
11. I am predestined, planned in love, predetermined, He knew me before I was made.
12. I am adopted, planned in love.
13. I belong to God because of Jesus Christ, my big brother.
14. God is my Father.
15. God took pleasure in planning me. He delighted in adopting me.
16. I am His pleasure.
17. His intent for me is good.
18. My Father is worthy of praise. He is my glory! (Proverbs 17:6)
19. My Father is merciful and marvelous, freely giving me gifts in the Beloved.
20. I am delivered, set free, redeemed.
21. I am forgiven by the riches of His grace.
22. He has abundantly lavished that on me in wisdom and understanding, in accordance with the riches, bounty and generosity of His gracious favor, goodwill and lovingkindness.
23. God tells me secret plans, the mystery of His will, plans He took delight in making, long range plans to unite all things in Him.
24. I am God’s own possession, He claimed me!
25. I am God’s heir.
26. God is working His purpose in me.
27. I have hope in Christ.
28. I am made to live to bring Him glory and praise.
29. I am stamped, marked with the seal of the Holy Spirit for security and a guarantee of my inheritance.
30. I can have a spirit of wisdom and revelation (insight into mysteries and secrets) to be able to truly know Him personally and intimately.
31. I am called, invited.
32. His power is in me and for me. It is immeasurable, unlimited and beyond anything: the same power that raised Christ from the dead and placed Him at God’s right hand is in me.
33. I am in subjection to, under, and expected to yield to Christ who has all authority and power.
34. I am a part of the church, His body, the fullness of Him filled with the presence, power and riches of God and of Christ.
35. He who causes to abound, supplies liberally.
36. In me lives the full measure of Him Who makes everything complete and Who fills all in all.
37. I am made alive together with Christ.
38. I was dead in my sin, BUT GOD because of His rich mercy and wonderful and intense love focused on me has made me alive in fellowship and in union with Christ. (I am united with the Anointed one!) He infused my lifeless soul with life.
39. By His grace I am saved, delivered from judgement and made a partaker of Christ’s salvation.
40. I am raised up with Christ to sit with him in heavenly places.
41. God will show me the immeasurable riches of His grace in kindness toward me in Christ Jesus.
42. I am saved, kept safe, rescued, by grace (joy, delight, loving kindness, favor) through faith (conviction of truth, belief). It is a gift from God, not by my doing!
43. I am God’s workmanship (work of art, masterpiece, His poem) created by Him in Christ for good works God prepared beforehand for me to do.
44. My works are not the means of my salvation; they are the evidence of its presence.
45. I was a stranger, an outsider, separated, had no connection with Christ (the Anointed One), had no rights and no share in the compacts of the promises, no hope – BUT God gathered me and brought me near to Him by the royal blood of Christ, my Liberating King.
46. I have access to the Father, and can freely approach Him.
47. I am a citizen with God’s people. I am consecrated and set apart for Him.
48. I am a member of God’s holy family and a resident – I belong to His household.
49. I am being built on a solid foundation with Christ Jesus Himself as the chief cornerstone.
50. I am being joined together with other believers (Jews and Gentiles) harmoniously, stone, by stone – chosen and sealed in Him, rising up (growing, increasing) to become a holy temple in the Lord. (1Peter 2:5 I am a living stone built into a spiritual house for a holy priesthood)
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