I want to remind you that this blog is a safe place. Pastor's wives have such few places where they can share anything they want and KNOW it won't be shared with anyone else. That's why I made this a private blog! I want you to feel confident knowing you can respond to any article knowing your heart will be guarded here. That's why this blog is for pastor's wives or staff wives alone. We need a safe place to share with one another---a place where we know no one will take what is said here outside of this group--even what is shared in a blog.
I hope you feel comfortable in that. I hope you know I will guard your heart. My own heart is burdened for pastor's wives--knowing some of them are drowning in hopelessness or feeling very alone.
YOU, my friend, are on my heart a lot. As I "get to know" some of you through Facebook (as you answer questions to win prizes), I just wish I could invite you over for a cup of coffee for a chance to talk one-on-one. I want you to know I deeply care about what you are walking through. It's not enough for us to put on our happy face and go to church and sit on the front pew...I want you to know someone cares about what is going on in your hearts and minds.
I may not have all the answers, but I do know how to listen, pray, and share what God has taught me. Here's my private email address in case you ever need someone to talk to and you need an even safer, more private place to talk. dietzbecky@hotmail.com
Don't hesitate to email me. I'm here to help.
I'm praying for you tonight.
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