
This blog exists to provide encouragement and help for pastors' wives.

Thursday, February 12, 2015

The Gift of Laughter by Becky Dietz

My Grandsons, Gus & Dax

Do you know what I've realized lately?  I've begun laughing again.  I honestly didn't realize I'd stopped.  And I'm actually quite famous for my laugh.  It's loud.  And can be very obnoxious.  Of course, I hadn't stopped laughing altogether.  I could be around these two little guys or any of my other eight grandchildren and laugh hysterically over the cute things they do.  But the joy had been stolen from my heart.  Thankfully...it's back!

I think it's easy to lose your laughter as you lead a church.  There are stresses in the church which don't exist in other work places.  Satan has an agenda to destroy the church and its leaders.  And if our husbands are being attacked, we take it personally and our joy can be stolen.  Or we can become the enemy...

About the middle of last year, I realized I'd become negative towards my husband.  I was nitpicking and fearing man. (Specifically, other people's response towards my husband--so I was trying to "fix" him.)  After confessing to my prayer partners what I was doing, they made some very practical suggestions--but basically gave me a swift kick in the rear and told me to quit!  I knew from experience that I couldn't just quit...I had to replace it with something.  And that something was to remember everything I loved about my husband, to praise him, and to laugh with him.  

And the joy came back.  And with the joy came the laughter.

"A happy heart is good medicine and a cheerful mind works healing, but a broken spirit dries up the bones."  Proverbs 17:22

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