
This blog exists to provide encouragement and help for pastors' wives.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Breathe by Becky Dietz

  1. take air into the lungs and then expel it, especially as a regular physiological process.
    "she was wheezing as she breathed"
    synonyms:inhale and exhale, respire, draw breath; More
    • be or seem to be alive because of this.
      "at least I'm still breathing"
      synonyms:be alive, be living, live
      "at least I'm still breathing"
    • literary
      (of wind) blow softly.

When is the last time you took notice of yourself breathing?  Do it.  Breathe in.  Breathe out.  Breathe in deeply.  Exhale loudly.  It's cleansing.  It's life.  

But there are times when it seems there's no breath left in you.  You may be like Solomon who was surrounded by false witnesses--who were breathing lies.  Lies that contain the heat of hell which sucks the very life out of a room.

Take heart!  God, who breathed the very first breath of life into man, still breathes into us today.  He breathes His Spirit into us.  His Spirit is life.  The Word is God-breathed.  As you take in the Word of God, you are taking in His very breath.  The Word is Jesus and He is life.


Friday, September 4, 2015

Solutions by Becky Dietz

We are people of solutions....or we should be.  Whenever the world--or the Enemy--presents a problem, we should be presenting a solution.  We have got to remember that Satan comes to steal, kill, and destroy but God has come to give abundant life!  So whenever we see disunity, anger, robbery, abandonment, sadness, unholiness, divorce...we need to be ready with solutions.

I know it sounds simplistic when so many of the issues of our world are vastly complex.  But the longer I live, the simpler it gets.  Love God, love people.  Pray.  Hear God.  Walk in faith.

Fear of the complexity of any situation can immobilize us.  What can we do?  We're only one person.  You are one person who's trusting in an all-powerful God!  And He has the solutions for all mankind.  And He may just have a one-man task for little ol' you.

What if you asked and God gave you the solution to racism?  Don't you think you'd be excited and begin sharing it?  What if it spread like wildfire?

Ask...and keep on asking.